2025 January Local and Regents Exams

  • Student Exam Schedules

    • Students will be able to find their schedules on the student portal beginning on January 6, 2025.
    • Students with conflicts should see Mrs. Socci in House 2 for specifics on the time and place of exams.
    • If two local exams conflict, students will go to the conflict room for both exams.
  • Buses to school for exams

    1. Students taking a morning exam should come in on the regular bus run. This run will pick up students at the same time as the regular run during the school year. 
    2. Transportation is available for students who do not have a 7:30 AM exam.
      • For 10:00 and 12:00/12:30 exams, students will be picked up at their regular bus stops prior to those exams. Transportation will be set up through the Google Form linked Here

    *Transportation will create a bus schedule with more specific times and distribute it the week before exams. 

    If changes need to be made after January 13, 2025, students should contact the transportation office at 209-6238.

    If a student signed up for transportation and no longer needs it, please contact the transportation office at 209-6238.

    Buses home

    1. Students must either leave the building after being dismissed from their exams or wait in the P.E. or Baker foyer for buses. The indoor/outdoor monitors will supervise waiting students.  No students should be unsupervised at any time.
    2. Buses will depart from the Freeman Road lot at 9:50 a.m., 12:20 a.m., 2:10 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. Please note the 2:10 dismissal is a normal dismissal for the high school, so students should go to their assigned bus. 

          Students do not have to sign up in advance for any buses home.


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