
  • Universal Application / OPHS Local Scholarship Program

    Information for the Class of 2025 local scholarship program for seniors is now available.  These are scholarships that are awarded to an OPHS Senior each year at the senior banquet.

    Scholarship Listings

    Information regarding many regional, national, international, and college-based scholarships can be found here.  This page is updated every few weeks during the school year.

    Scott Krueger Memorial Scholarship

    Information regarding the annual Scott Kreuger Memorial Scholarship can be found here. 

    Erie County Health Care Grant

    The Erie County Healthcare Careers (ECHC) Grant Program is designed to assist students who want to train for a career in healthcare. The program can provide assistance with tuition (up to $6,000), transportation, childcare, and job placement.

    Healthcare Workers for our Future Scholarship

    The “Healthcare Workers for Our Future” Scholarship provides a two-year scholarship to approximately 500 selected recipients covering tuition, room and board, and other related expenses in an approved program of study.

    NWTC Scholarship Listings

    Scholarship listings provided by the Northland Workforce Training Center.

    NYS Aid to Native Americans

    Enrolled members of a New York State tribe or children of an enrolled member of a New York State tribe may be eligible for financial aid through the Aid to Native Americans Program.

    NYS Excelsior Scholarship

    Information, including FAQs and application, regarding the NYS Excelsior Scholarship can be found here.

    NYS STEM Scholarships

    Information regarding a variety of NYS sponsored scholarships, including the STEM scholarships, can be found here.

    Online College & Scholarship Resources

    Links to websites with helpful information to assist students with their college and scholarship searches.

    Tips and Scams

    Helpful hints to assist you in your scholarship search can be found here.