Orchard Park Middle School

Veritas Et Sapientia - Truth & Wisdom


  •  State of the District flyer

    State of the District

    Click here to tune in to our State of the District presentation to see how we are advancing student success through our District Comprehensive Improvement Plan. Learn how the Science of Reading is shaping K-6 education, discover transformative diploma pathways, and stay informed on key topics such as regionalization, NYS learning standards, safety initiatives, and inclusive programming. Additionally, see how community partnerships and family engagement are fostering a thriving learning environment. Stay up to date with these essential updates and important dates for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year.

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  •  snow falling on a gloved hand.

    Cold Weather Information

    It is a good idea to talk to your child about cold weather safety. It is important to check your child’s (even teenagers') outerwear. Protecting exposed skin during cold weather is extremely important: warm coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and boots will help protect your child during the winter season. When considering the safety of students in cold weather the following information from the National Weather Service is used as a guideline in making a determination to close schools: Cautionary: Wind Chills of -18 to -20 degrees Advisory: Wind Chills of -25 degrees or below Warning: Wind Chills of -35 degrees or below In many areas of the country, schools will not close until the wind chill temperature is at the Warning level of -40 degrees or below. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that no one should be outside with unprotected skin with wind-chill factors in the range of -40 degrees or below. In Orchard Park, if the wind chill temperature reaches above the advisory level, school may be delayed or closed.

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  •  Two boys blasting off rockets outside

    Blasting Off into Learning

    Students in Mrs. Guetta and Mrs. Masters' science classes recently embarked on an exciting hands-on learning experience by launching rockets. This engaging activity provided students with the opportunity to explore key concepts in their 6th grade science curriculum. Through collaborative teamwork and experimentation, our young scientists applied their critical thinking skills to design, build, and successfully launch their rockets. 

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  •  Students walking in to Orchard Park High School

    Submit Attendance Notices Online

    Parents and guardians are able to submit attendance notes and pick up information online, i.e. excuses for absences.  Log in to the Parent Portal, click Forms, and complete and submit the General Attendance Form.  Click here for more information.

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  •  Say Something Anonymous Reporting System logo on a blue background

    Say Something Anonymous Reporting System

    The Orchard Park Central School District, along with Erie 2 BOCES, has joined with Sandy Hook Promise to deploy an anonymous reporting system as an additional layer to our school district safety plan. Sandy Hook Promise (SHP) is a national nonprofit organization with a mission to end school shootings and create a culture change that prevents violence and other harmful acts that hurt children. Through its life-saving, evidence-informed Know the Signs prevention programs, SHP educates and empowers youth and adults to recognize, intervene, and get help for individuals who may be socially isolated and/or at risk of hurting themselves or others. Click here to learn more.

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  •  Picture of a school bus and the words Come Drive For Us.

    Come Drive For Us

    The Orchard Park Central School District is hiring bus drivers.  There are great benefits including: competitive pay, annual wage increase, health insurance coverage, paid training, flexible schedule and NYS retirement.  If you are interested, please contact the Orchard Park Central School District Transportation Department at 716-209-6237.

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  •  Screenshot of the OP Schools app on a phone

    Download the OP Schools App Today!

    Stay connected on your mobile device. Download the FREE district mobile app today! Get the latest district and school news. Click to learn more!

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  •  an iphone and a calendar

    Sync Your Mobile Device to OPCSD Calendars

    Stay informed on the latest calendar updates by syncing your mobile device to Orchard Park Central School District's iCal calendar. You have the option of subscribing to just one or any number of school calendars within the district. Click for detailed instructions for both iOS and Android devices.

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District News