• Welcome to Ellicott Elementary!

    Ellicott Elementary ⏐ 716.209.6278
    Fax ⏐ 716.209.6203
    Address⏐ 5180 Ellicott Road, Orchard Park, NY 14127

    Diana Nigro
    PrincipalDASA Coordinator:     

    Mrs. Diana Nigro
    716.209.6443 ⏐ dnigro@opschools.org

    Alecia Brown
    Assistant Principal: 

    Ms. Alecia Brown
    716.209.6443 ⏐ abrown@opschools.org  


    Main Office Secretary:   

    Mrs. Renee Steiner
    716-209.6278 ⏐ rsteiner@opschools.org

    Attendance Secretary: 

    Mrs. Judi Kozoduj
    716.209.6278 ⏐ jkozoduj@opschools.org

    School Nurse:               

    Mrs. Melissa Odrzywolski
    716.209.6276 ⏐ modrzywolski@opschools.org
    716.209.6103 ⏐ Automated Attendance Line

    Student Attendance Hours ⏐ 9:00AM - 3:15PM

    We will give our students the vision to reach for the stars, the skills and fortitude to climb the ladder,and the wisdom to appreciate the beauty of the journey.