South Davis Elementary

Veritas Et Sapientia - Truth & Wisdom


  •  Freaky Friday Poster

    OPHS Drama Club Presents Freaky Friday

    The Orchard Park High School Drama Club is proud to present Freaky Friday. When an overworked mother and her teenage daughter magically swap bodies, they have just one day to put things right again. Freaky Friday , a new musical based on the celebrated novel by Mary Rodgers and the hit Disney films, is a heartfelt, comedic and unexpectedly emotional update on an American classic. By spending a day in each other’s shoes, Katherine and Ellie come to appreciate one another’s struggles, learn self-acceptance, and realize the immeasurable love and mutual respect that bond a mother and daughter. Click here to learn more.

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  •  State of the District flyer

    State of the District

    Click here to tune in to our State of the District presentation to see how we are advancing student success through our District Comprehensive Improvement Plan. Learn how the Science of Reading is shaping K-6 education, discover transformative diploma pathways, and stay informed on key topics such as regionalization, NYS learning standards, safety initiatives, and inclusive programming. Additionally, see how community partnerships and family engagement are fostering a thriving learning environment. Stay up to date with these essential updates and important dates for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year.

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  •  Three boys playing at a water table

    UPK Registration

    The Orchard Park Central School District (OPCSD) is currently accepting applications for Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) for the 2025-2026 school year. OPCSD is once again able to offer UPK through a grant provided by the New York State Education Department. This grant covers the cost of the program but does not cover transportation. It is the responsibility of each family to transport their child to the UPK site. There are only a designated number of UPK spots available. A “digital lottery” will determine who will qualify to attend. Children are randomly selected for the program and selection is not based on academic or economic need. All registered children are equally eligible for participation. All students with complete registration before the March 19, 2025 deadline will have an equal chance for selection in the lottery. Click here for more information.

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  •  snow falling on a gloved hand.

    Cold Weather Information

    It is a good idea to talk to your child about cold weather safety. It is important to check your child’s (even teenagers') outerwear. Protecting exposed skin during cold weather is extremely important: warm coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and boots will help protect your child during the winter season. When considering the safety of students in cold weather the following information from the National Weather Service is used as a guideline in making a determination to close schools: Cautionary: Wind Chills of -18 to -20 degrees Advisory: Wind Chills of -25 degrees or below Warning: Wind Chills of -35 degrees or below In many areas of the country, schools will not close until the wind chill temperature is at the Warning level of -40 degrees or below. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that no one should be outside with unprotected skin with wind-chill factors in the range of -40 degrees or below. In Orchard Park, if the wind chill temperature reaches above the advisory level, school may be delayed or closed.

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  •  Students riding bikes

    South Davis Elementary Students Enjoy Annual Bike to School Event

    On Wednesday, October 9, South Davis Elementary students took part in the school’s annual Bike to School event, a tradition held each fall and spring to encourage a healthy and active start to the day. With support from the Orchard Park Police Department and the South Davis PTO, students and their families were invited to enjoy a morning bike ride to school. Led by Principal Jeff Dolce, the group rode together on a beautiful fall morning, making the most of the fresh air and exercise before classes began. The event brought students, families, and staff together for a fun, active start to the day, and everyone had a great time.

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  •  Students walking in to Orchard Park High School

    Submit Attendance Notices Online

    Parents and guardians are able to submit attendance notes and pick up information online, i.e. excuses for absences.  Log in to the Parent Portal, click Forms, and complete and submit the General Attendance Form.  Click here for more information.

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  •  kindergarten aged girl with paint on her face and hands

    Kindergarten Registration

    Please click here to learn more about registering your student for kindergarten for the 24-25 school year.

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  •  Picture of a school bus and the words Come Drive For Us.

    Come Drive For Us

    The Orchard Park Central School District is hiring bus drivers.  There are great benefits including: competitive pay, annual wage increase, health insurance coverage, paid training, flexible schedule and NYS retirement.  If you are interested, please contact the Orchard Park Central School District Transportation Department at 716-209-6237.

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  •  Screenshot of the OP Schools app on a phone

    Download the OP Schools App Today!

    Stay connected on your mobile device. Download the FREE district mobile app today! Get the latest district and school news. Click to learn more!

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  •  an iphone and a calendar

    Sync Your Mobile Device to OPCSD Calendars

    Stay informed on the latest calendar updates by syncing your mobile device to Orchard Park Central School District's iCal calendar. You have the option of subscribing to just one or any number of school calendars within the district. Click for detailed instructions for both iOS and Android devices.

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