Welcome to the Orchard Park Central School District. We are always excited to welcome new students to the District!
Kindergarten & Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) applications now being accepted for school year beginning Sept. 1, 2025
Orchard Park now has an online express system for Registration.
Proof of Residency is required, please see the "Documentation Needed to Register" page for the specific documents needed. District policy requires residency documentation for all new students even when siblings are already attending OP schools.
To register your child for school:
- Click here to begin the online registration process.
- We will contact you with further directions on how to proceed.
ONLY a parent or legal guardian can register a student for enrollment in our district.
If you are not the parent or legal guardian, you cannot use our online registration process. You MUST call 209-6325 or email registrar@opschools.org
Please email Melissa Brock, Central Registrar and the registration team at registrar@opschools.org if you have any questions. Or call 209-6325.
Please note: If you are looking for a CPSE evaluation please email -- Rachel Leonard rleonard@opschools.org for more information.