Middle School and South Davis Project Work
Middle School and South Davis Elementary Project Work
- New music wing addition. The addition will include; band, orchestra, chorus general music and special education classrooms, toilet rooms, and a fitness/weight room.
- Replace the existing tennis courts with a new parking area.
- Construct new tennis courts and one new basketball court. Courts will be shared by both schools.
- Eliminate the existing cinder track and regrade existing lawn area to construct new sod athletic play fields.
- Regrade the existing lawn to construct 60 yd by 100 yd soccer field.
- Construct new parking area west of the Buildings & Grounds building and relocate the existing fueling station.
- Construct a new campus roadway. The roadway will provide directional travel within the site which will egress onto Thorn Avenue.
- Addition of six pre-K classrooms at South Davis Elementary.
- Install a new ADA accessible playground with designated pre-K play area.
- Provide site lighting at the outdoor classroom and playground areas.
- New parking area with driveway access to Thorn Avenue.
- Construct a concrete walking pathway around the athletic area.
Orchard Park Middle School Project Overview
Middle School Addition Overview
Future Middle School Orchestra Room
South Davis Elementary Project Overview
Elementary ADA Playgrounds
ADA Playgrounds
An inclusive playground will be constructed at each of our four (4) elementary schools as we continue our focus on inclusive programming and access for all of our students and community members.
Full Grade Level of Pre-K
(By September 2026)A full grade level of pre-Kindergarten will allow the district to provide transitional support to children through increased Kindergarten readiness and early intervention.
March 22 OPCSD Traffic Assessment
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