Final Quality Rating and Composite Effectiveness Score Disclosure Information

  • Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Disclosure

    The Orchard Park Central School District administration team and the Orchard Park Central School District Teachers Association collaborated to establish a comprehensive evaluation system for classroom teachers.  The primary objective of the plan is to foster a culture of continuous professional growth. 

    Upon written request to the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Pupil Services, the District will release to  the parent/legal guardian of an Orchard Park Central School District student,  the final rating and composite effectiveness score for the teacher(s) and/or principal to which their student(s) is currently assigned, as per Education Law 3012-c (district form 6130F attached below).    Please provide form 6130F (attached below) with photo identification to the Central Registrar. The final rating and composite effectiveness score information is intended for parents/legal guardians only.

    Parents/legal guardians will receive an oral or written explanation of the composite effective scoring ranges for the final quality ratings and be offered the opportunity to understand such scores in the context of teacher evaluation and student performance.  The District’s APPR Plan is available on our web-site (see the link below), which includes a written explanation of the composite effectiveness scoring ranges for final quality ratings, and explains such scores in the context of teacher evaluation and student performance.

    When a request for this information is received, reasonable efforts will be made to verify that it is a bona fide request by a parent/legal guardian entitled to review the data.




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