8th Grade Science
This page is designed to help students who are absent from class to learn of current and upcoming assignments. I will make every attempt to keep the page current, however, it is not designed to take the place of your agenda and the basic responsibility of recording your assignments accurately
Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater. Albert Einstein
Many people can teach you things, but only you can learn them. Drive that Learning Bus! - Mr. B
The natural universe simply, is. What we believe about this universe does not change it one bit, the best we can hope for is to understand it. - Mr. B
"Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
Albert EinsteinThe reward for struggling while one weaves his Tapestry of Knowledge is comprehension. Weave on! - Mr. B
Remember- activity links are included at the bottom in the instructions in the google classroom assignment instructions.
Discovery Learning note- When you are completing Discovery Learning activities please go through Clever. This will allow you access to the activities.
Science Office Hours on Thursdays by class:
Class A 10:00-10:15Class C 10:15-10:30Class B 10:30-10:45Class D 10:45-11:00Class E 11:00-11:15June 8-12, 2020
We will be finishing the year up with Ecology. We have provided you with notes, videos, and survey. You can work through these at your own speed, or you can follow the schedule we have created. It is expected that you complete each assignment. There is also an Optional Extended Learning Opportunity.
You will only be turning in ONE DOCUMENT to us just as you have been doing for the past few weeks. The document you will be sharing back with us is titled “Science Assignment June 8-12, 2020”.
1. Watch the Brain Pop video ( titled Food Chains).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 8-12, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
3. Watch the Brain Pop video ( titled Energy Pyramid).
4. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 8-12, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
5. Watch the Discovery Learning Video titled “Food Chains and Webs”.
6. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 8-12, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
1. Watch the BrainPop video ( titled Ecosystems).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 8-12 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
3. Watch the BrainPop video ( titled Climate Change).
4. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 8-12 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
5. Watch the Discovery Learning Video titled “Science Kids: Human Impact on Earth’s Systems and Global Warming”.
6. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 8-12, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
1. Watch the Brain Pop video ( titled Carbon Cycle).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 8-12, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
3. Watch the Brain Pop video ( titled Symbiosis).
4. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 8-12, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
5. Watch the Discovery Learning Video titled “Biologically Speaking: Ecosystems and the Cycles of Nature”.
6. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 8-12, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
1. Complete the survey titled “Science Online Learning Questionnaire”. Please give honest feedback. Your responses will help us design assignments should we use online learning in the future. REMEMBER TO SUBMIT YOUR ANSWERS.
1. We have attached links to three different Time Magazine for Kids issues. Choose one of the three issues and read that issue. There is no written piece to complete for this. You just need to read the issue.
MANDATORY Extended Learning Opportunity
HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!June 1-5, 2020
we will be finishing up our unit on Astronomy. We have provided you with notes, videos, a lab, simulations, and a few worksheets. All of the worksheets that are in pdf form are for your reference. You should complete them, but do not need to turn any of them in to us. We will post answer keys for these on Friday. You can work through these at your own speed, or you can follow the schedule we have created. It is expected that you complete each assignment. There is also an Optional Extended Learning Opportunity.
You will only be turning in ONE DOCUMENT to us just as you have been doing for the past few weeks. The document you will be sharing back with us is titled “Science Assignment June1-5, 2020”.
1. Watch the Brain Pop video ( titled Moon Phases).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June1-5, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
3. Watch the video titled, “Phases of the Moon: Astronomy and Space for Kids.”
4. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June1-5, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
5. Use the information from the video to fill out the pdf titled, “Phases of the Moon Fill In”. Use Kami. An answer key will be posted on Friday.
1. Watch the BrainPop video ( titled Eclipse).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June1-5, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
3. Watch the Discovery Learning Video titled “A Spin Around the Solar System: Moon Dance”.
4. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June1-5, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
5. Read and study the diagram titled, “Eclipse Diagrams”.
6. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June1-5, 2020” answer the questions under the section Eclipses.
1. Watch the Brain Pop video ( titled Tides).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June1-5, 2020” write one thing you learned from the video.
3. Watch the Tides-Study Jams video.
4. After the video use the Test Yourself button to test yourself. You do not need to report your score.
**This assignment is OPTIONAL. If you choose to complete it, an answer key will be given on Friday for you to check your work. If you are behind with other work, you can chose to not do this Gizmo and use this day to catch up on any other work you have!
1. Using Clever, go to your Gizmo Class. Launch the Gizmo titled
Phases of the Moon. Complete the Gizmo by following the directions in the Gizmo Lab Write Up. Use Kami to complete the write up. An answer key will be provided on Friday for you to check your answers. You do not need to submit it to us.
1. Watch the Bill Nye- ”Seasons” video and write one thing you leaned on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 1-5, 2020”.
Optional Extended Learning Opportunity
Use the Discovery Learning Link to watch the video titled, “Understanding Black Holes”. After watching the video answer the question on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment June 1-5, 2020”.May 26- May 29, 2020
we will be beginning a unit on Astronomy. This unit will take two weeks to complete. We have provided you with notes, videos, a lab, simulations, and a few worksheets. All of the worksheets that are in pdf form are for your reference. You should complete them, but do not need to turn any of them in to us. We will post answer keys for these on Friday. You can work through these at your own speed, or you can follow the schedule we have created. It is expected that you complete each assignment. There is also an Optional Extended Learning Opportunity.
You will only be turning in ONE DOCUMENT to us just as you have been doing for the past few weeks. The document you will be sharing back with us is titled “Science Assignment May 26- May 29, 2020”.
1. Watch the two Brain Pop videos ( titled Big Bang and Solar System).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 26- May 29, 2020” write one thing you learned from each video.
3. Read through the document titled “ Astronomy Vocabulary”.
4. Read through the document titled “Astronomy Intro Notes”.
5. Read through the document titled “Astronomy Intro Notes 2”.
6. Read through the document titled “Solar System Diagram”. Be sure to read the information for each planet.
7. Watch the Discovery Learning Video titled “A Spin Around the Solar System: How the Solar System Works”. You may want to have the weekly assignment open at the same time. There are questions you must answer about the information in the video.
8. On the Google Doc titled “Science Assignment May 26- May 29, 2020”, answer the questions that go along with the video.
1. Watch the Discovery Learning Video titled “A Reason for the Season”.
2. On the Google Doc titled “Science Assignment May 26- May 29, 2020”, answer the questions that go along with the video.
3. Open the document titled “Rotation, Revolution, and Seasons Slides”. Be sure to read through the information on each slide.
4. Read through the document titled “Rotation and Revolution Graphic Organizer”.
1. Using Clever, go to your Gizmo Class. Launch the Gizmo titled
Summer and Winter. Complete the Gizmo by following the directions in the Gizmo Lab Write Up. Use Kami to complete the write up. An answer key will be provided on Friday for you to check your answers
1. Watch the Bill Nye- ”Seasons” video and write one thing you leaned on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 18- 22, 2020”.
Optional Extended Learning Opportunity
Open the BUffalo Museum of Science link. Create your own Scale of the Solar System by following the directions given. Take a picture of your model and share it with Mr. Braunscheidel.May 18- May 22, 2020
We will be beginning a unit on Magnetism. We have provided you with notes, videos, a lab, simulations, and a few worksheets. All of the worksheets that are in pdf form are for your reference. You should complete them, but do not need to turn any of them in to us. You can work through these at your own speed, or you can follow the schedule we have created. It is expected that you complete each assignment. There is also an Optional Extended Learning Opportunity.
You will only be turning in ONE DOCUMENT to us just as you have been doing for the past few weeks. The document you will be sharing back with us is titled “Science Assignment May 18- May 22, 2020”.
1. Read through the document titled “ Electromagnetism”.
2. Read through the document titled “Earth is a Magnet”.
3. Read through the document titled “Law of Magnetic Forces”.
4. Read through the document titled “Magnetism Powerpoint”. Be sure to read each slide.
5. Read through the document titled “Magnet Vocabulary”.
1. Using Clever, go to your Gizmo Class. Launch the Gizmo titled
Magnetism. Complete the Gizmo by following the directions in the Gizmo Lab Write Up. Use Kami to complete the write up. An answer key will be provided on Friday for you to check your answers.
1. Watch the Discovery Learning Video titled “Real World Science-Magnetism”. You can get to the video by clicking the link provided and choosing sign in with Google, or you can go through Clever and once on the Discovery Learning Website, search Magnetism. Choose the full video “Real World Science Magnetism”.
2. On the Google Doc titled “Science Assignment May 18- May 22, 2020”, answer the questions that go along with the video.
3. Go to the Discovery Learning Skill Builder Magnetic Fields. Click through each topic in the outline on the right hand side and watch the simulator for each.
4. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 18- May 22, 2020”, answer the questions that go along with the simulations.
1. Watch the Bill Nye Magnetism video and write one thing you leaned on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 18- 22, 2020”.
1. Watch the Youtube video titled “Maglev Train”.
2. On the Google Doc titled “Science Assignment May 18- May 22, 2020”, answer the questions that go along with the video.
Optional Extended Learning Opportunity
Watch the youtube video about melting metal with magnets. Then answer the questions on the Google Doc. under the Optional Learning Opportunity section.
Youtube- Melt metal with magnetsMay 11- May 15, 2020
Seems as though there are some technical difficulties with this week's assignment. Please use
Science Assignment May 11-15, 2020
Google Doc for all of your work to turn in. This is the ONLY doc. you will share with us. Thanks
we will be beginning a unit on Electricity. We have provided you with notes, videos, a lab, simulations, and a few worksheets. All of the worksheets that are in pdf form are for your reference. You should complete them, but do not need to turn any of them in to us. You can work through these at your own speed, or you can follow the schedule we have created. It is expected that you complete each assignment. There is also an Optional Extended Learning Opportunity.
You will only be turning in ONE DOCUMENT to us just as you have been doing for the past few weeks. The document you will be sharing back with us is titled “Science Assignment May 11- 15, 2020”.
1. Read through the document titled “Electrical Energy and Circuit Vocabulary Notes”.
2. Read through the document titled “Battery and Circuit Notes”.
3. Read through the document titled “Types of Circuits Notes”.
4. Read through the document titled “Electric Charge and Electricity Notes”.
1. Watch the three Brain Pop videos ( titled Electricity, Current Electricity, and Electric Currents).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 11-15, 2020" write one thing you learned from each video.
3. Open the Phet Balloons and Static Electricity Lab. Explore the lab by changing the various settings. Rub the balloon over the sweater and notice what happens. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 11-15, 2020" write one thing you noticed from the lab.
1. Go to the Nasa Lightning and Static Electricity Simulation. Click the play button on page one and page two.
2. Answer the questions on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 11-15, 2020 “ under Nasa Lightning and Static Electricity Simulation.
3. Watch the Bill Nye Static Electricity video and write one thing you leaned on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 11-15, 2020”.
1. Using Clever, go to your Gizmo Class. Launch the Gizmo titled Circuit Breaker. Complete the Gizmo by following the directions in the Gizmo Lab Write Up pdf. Use Kami to complete the lab. An answer key will be sent on Friday for you to check your work.
1. Watch the Bill Nye Electricity video and write one thing you leaned on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 11-15, 2020”.
Optional Extended Learning Opportunity
Watch the link below on static electricity.
After you have finished watching the video, answer the question on the Google Doc.titled “Science Assignment May 11-15, 2020”.May 4- May 8, 2020
We will be continuing our unit on Waves. We have provided you with notes, guided notes, videos, a lab, and a few worksheets. All of the worksheets that are in pdf form are for your reference. You should complete them, but do not need to turn any of them in to us. You can work through these at your own speed, or you can follow the schedule we have created. It is expected that you complete each assignment. There is also an Optional Extended Learning Opportunity.
You will only be turning in ONE DOCUMENT to us just as you have been doing for the past few weeks. The document you will be sharing back with us is titled “Science Assignment May 4- May 8, 2020”.
If you have trouble accessing any of the videos from this page, they are also available on the OPCSD Learn at Home Academy-MS-Science Resources- Grade 8
Please have your completed Google Doc. shared by Friday, May 8, 2020.
1. Read through the document titled “Sound Notes”.
2. Read through the document titled “Sound and Light Notes”.
3. Study the “Light Waves Visual” attachment.
4. Read through the document titled “Electromagnetic Waves Reading and Questions”. The word search on page 2 is optional. Answer the questions on pages 2 and 3 using Kami. Save for your own reference. An answer key will be sent on Friday.
1. Explore the Discovery Learning Electromagnetic Spectrum Activity. Make sure you are signed in using Clever.
Answer the questions on the Google Doc titled “Science Assignment May 4-8, 2020”. This is the document you will be turning in to us.
2. Open the Discovery Learning attachment titled “Real World Light”. There are 5 video segments. Watch at least three of the videos. For each video, write one thing you learned from it on the Google Doc titled, “Science Assignment May 4-8, 2020”.
1. View the Sound Waves slideshow. Make sure to read all of the details on each slide.
2. Read through the document titled “Sound Waves Vocabulary”.
3. Study the “Sound Waves Visual” attachment.
4. Complete the “Identifying Sound Waves WS”. Save for your own reference. You do not need to turn this in. An answer key will be sent on Friday.
5. Complete “Sound Wave Drawing” using Kami. Save for your own reference. You do not need to turn this in. An answer key will be sent on Friday.
1. Watch the Bill Nye Light video and write one thing you leaned on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 4- May 8, 2020”.
2. Open the Discovery Learning Waves Activity. Play around with the settings. On the same google doc., Write one thing you observe or notice when you change the settings.
1. Watch the Bill Nye Sound video and write one thing you leaned on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment May 4- May 8, 2020”.
2. Open the Discovery Learning attachment titled “Real World Sound”. There are 5 video segments. Watch at least three of the videos. For each video, write one thing you learned from it on the Google Doc titled, “Science Assignment May 4-8, 2020”.
For the week of April 27-May 1, 2020We will be focusing on Waves. This new unit will take two weeks to cover. We have provided you with notes, guided notes, videos, a PhET lab, a worksheet, and a review sheet. You can work through these at your own speed, or you can follow the schedule we have created. It is expected that you complete each assignment. There is also an Optional Extended Learning Opportunity.
You will only be turning in ONE DOCUMENT to us just as you have been doing for the past few weeks. The document you will be sharing back with us is titled “Science Assignment April 27-May 1, 2020”.
If you have trouble accessing any of the videos from this page, they are also available on the OPCSD Learn at Home Academy-MS-Science Resources- Grade 8
Please have your completed Google Doc. shared by Friday, May 1, 2020.
1. Read through the note sheet titled “Wave Types, Properties, Interactions Notes”
2. Open the attachment titled “Waves Introduction Reading and Questions” and read the passages and answer the questions using Kami. Save for your own reference. An answer key will be sent on Friday.
1. Open the PhET Waves lab attachment and play around with the simulator. Complete the Phet Lab section of the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment April 27- May 1, 2020
1. Watch the two Brain Pop videos ( titled Energy Waves and Energy Refraction and Diffraction).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment April 27- May 1, 2020
write one thing you learned from each video.
1. Watch the Bill Nye video and write one thing you leaned on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment April 27- May 1, 2020”.
1. Complete Waves Review Sheet. Save for your reference. (**Answer Key will be sent on Friday for you to check your work.**)
Optional Extended Learning Opportunity
Read through the Time Magazine for Kids titled “Battling a Virus”. Answer the question at the end of your Google Doc.
After you are done reading, describe what you think the biggest change/impact the Coronavirus has had on your life.Attention Families here is a site for Earth Day Activities
To access, go in through Clever, choose Discover Learnig Icon and search on 50 Ways to Earth Day. Enjoy.
Here is another Earth Day link- https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-quizzes/
April 20-24, 2020
we will be focusing on Heat Transfer. This is new material. We have provided you with notes, guided notes, videos, a Gizmo, a worksheet, and a review sheet. You can work through these at your own speed, or you can follow the schedule we have created. It is expected that you complete each assignment. There is also an Optional Extended Learning Opportunity.
You will only be turning in ONE DOCUMENT to us just as you have been doing for the past few weeks. The document you will be sharing back with us is titled “Science Assignment April 20-24, 2020”.
If you have trouble accessing any of the videos from this page, they are also available on the OPCSD Learn at Home Academy-MS-Science Resources- Grade 8
Please have your completed Google Doc. shared by April 24, 2020.
Heat Transfer
1. Read through the following Note Sheets.
-Heat Transfer Class Notes
-4 Phases of Matter
-Changing States of Matter
2. Complete the Heat Transfer Guided Notes.
You can use Kami to write on the Document and Save to your Google Drive. (Select "Open with Kami". Use the Save Icon located in the blue banner at the top right of the page and choose your Google Drive as the place you want to save it). **Answer Key will be sent on Friday for you to check your work.**
1. Using Clever, go to your Gizmo Class. The name of the Gizmo you can work on is below. Once you get into your Gizmo and before you launch it, under Lesson Materials click on the Student Exploration Sheet. Once there, you can download it. Mrs. Brown and I strongly recommend that you follow the Gizmo Warm-Up section directions. After you complete the Warm-Up, you can experiment like a scientist would. Try things, just as we have discussed all year.
Gizmo Lab Name- Phase Changes
Once you have completed experimenting, answer the questions on the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment April 20-24, 2020” (**this is the one which will be turned in**)
1. Read through Conduction, Convection, Radiation Notes
2. Complete Conduction, Convection, Radiation WS. You can use Kami to write on your Document then save to your Google Drive (Select Open with Kami. Use the Save Icon located in the blue banner at the top right of the page and choose your Google Drive as the place you want to save it).**An answer key will be given on Friday for you to check your answers.**
1. Watch the following 3 videos- the Bill Nye Video, the Discovery Learning video (Energy and Heat), and Discovery Learning video (The Changing Phases of Matter).
2. On the Google Doc. titled “Science Assignment April 20-24, 2020”write one thing you learned from each video. (**this is the one which will be turned in**)
3. There are 3 Optional Eureka videos (Conduction, Convection, Radiation) you can watch also.
1. Complete Heat Transfer Review Sheet (**Answer Key will be sent on Friday for you to check your work.**)
Optional Extended Learning Opportunity
Read through the Time Magazine for Kids titled “Counting Penguins” Earth Day Special Edition Earth Day.
After you are done reading, specifically page 7, give you thoughts on the following question:
Should cars be banned in cities?April 13-17, 2020
Forces, Keep on weaving - This is a review of material we have discussed earlier in the year. If you have trouble accessing any of the videos from this page, they are also available on the OPCSD Learn at Home Academy-MS-Science Resources- Grade 8
This week’s format is the same as last week’s format. There are a few videos to watch, two labs to play with, a Review Sheet, and an Optional Extended Learning Activity.
Please try to have your completed Google Doc. shared by April, 19, 2020.
1. Watch the Brain Pop videos on Newton’s Laws of Motion, Forces and Gravity (three separate videos). On the Google Doc. write one thing you learned from the video.
2. Log into the Phet Forces and Motion Lab. Play with the different settings in all four sections (Net Force, Motion, Friction, and Acceleration). Record your observations on the Google Doc. Log onto the Phet Friction Lab. Move around the particles at different speeds. Record your observations on the Google Doc.
(**If the Adobe Flash player is not on your Chromebook, click “Attempt to view simulation anyways” when prompted. Then click Enable Adobe Flash Player **)
3. Complete the Forces Review Sheet
***Remember that all of your answers, whether it is a response to the videos and labs, the Motion Review Sheet, or the extended response, should be put on the same Google Doc. and shared back as one Document**
4. Optional Extended Learning Opportunity
Using Clever, go to your Gizmo Class. The name of the Gizmo you can work on is below. Once you get into your Gizmo and before you launch it, under Lesson Materials click on the Student Exploration Sheet. Once there, you can download it. Mrs. Brown and I strongly recommend that you follow the Gizmo Warm-Up section directions. After you complete the Warm-Up, you can experiment like a scientist would. Try things, just as we have discussed all year. Once you have completed experimenting, answer the questions on the Google Doc.
Gizmo- Forces Sled WarsAn Answer Key for the Motion Review Sheet section of the assignment title Science Reflection April 6-10, 2020 that you completed this past week is posted in Classwork. You DO NOT need to resubmit your work after you have checked your answers.
For fun check this out
April 6- 10, 2020
Great Job last week! We continue to be impressed with the responses we received. Glad your learning buses are still running!!
We have posted this week's outline of review work. Please refer to our teacher page throughout the week to check for any update messages and/or assignments.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
Mr. Braunscheidel and Mrs.BrownInstructions-
For the week of April 6-April 10, 2020, you can focus on Motion. This is a review of material we have discussed earlier in the year. If you have trouble accessing any of the videos from this page, they are also available on the OPCSD Learn at Home Academy-MS-Science Resources-Grade 8.
You will notice that this week we have added a couple more activities. The first thing to do is to watch the videos and complete the Reflection Questions, just as you have been doing for the past two weeks.
The first new activity we added is a review sheet of some of the larger concepts in the unit. This is located on the same Google Doc. that you will write your reflection from the videos/lab, just scroll to the next page of the document. You can do all of your work right on that one Google Doc and turn that ONE document in. There is no need to turn in more than that one Google Doc.
The second new activity is an Extended Learning Opportunity. This is a great review of the motion material we have already discussed. This is not part of the expected work for the week. It is another opportunity for review. If you choose to complete this Extended Learning Opportunity, simply add your response to the question at the end of the document.
Please try to have the completed Google Doc. shared by Sunday, April 12, 2020.
1. Watch the Brain Pop videos on Motion and Momentum (two separate videos). On the Google Doc. Write one thing you learned from the video.
2. Watch the Bill Nye YouTube videos on Motion and Momentum (two separate videos). Write one interesting thing you saw in the video.
3. Complete the Motion Review Sheet
***Remember that all of your answers, whether it is in response to the video or to the Motion Review Sheet, will be put on the same Google Doc. and Shared back as that one Document***
Extended Learning Opportunity
Using Clever, go to your Gizmo Class. The name of the gizmo you can work on is below. Once you get into your Gizmo and before you launch it, under Lesson Materials click on the Student Exploration Sheet. Once there you can download it. Mrs. Brown and I strongly recommend that you follow the Gizmo Warm-up section directions. After you complete the Warm-up, you can experiment like a scientist would, try things, just as we have discussed all year. Once you have completed experimenting answer the question below.
Gizmo- Measuring Motion
What are your results for the 3 fastest animals?Hello Folks, Please try to have the assignments for the Weeks of 3/23 and 3/30 completed by 4/5. Let us know if you have questions. Have a nice day.
Mr. Braunscheidel and Mrs. BrownMarch 30-April 3, 2020
Great Job last week! We are so impressed with the responses we have received. Glad your learning buses are still running!!
We have posted this week's outline of review work. Please let us know if you have any questions!Instructions- (The assignments will be opened at 8:00 on 3/30 in google classroom.)
For the week of March 30-April 3, 2020, you can focus on Density. This is a review of material we have discussed earlier in the year. If you have trouble accessing any of the videos from this page, they are also available on the OPCSD Learn at Home Academy-MS-Science Resources-Grade 8.
To make things run a little smoother, we have copied the Google Doc for you in the assignment. So when you click on the Google Doc for the week, you should be able to write your answers right on that page and then Share the assignment back with Mr. Braunscheidel and/or Mrs. Brown. You do not need to email us a copy of your work.
1. Watch the Brain Pop video on Measuring Matter. On the Google Doc. write on thing you learned from the video.
2. Log into the Phet Buoyancy Lab. Play with the different setting for mass, volume, and density. Something to consider- how are mass, volume, and density related to Buoyancy? Write any thoughts/ideas you may have.
(**If Adobe Flash player is not on your Chromebook, click "Attempt to view simulation anyways" when prompted. They click "Enable Adobe Flash Player")
3. Log into the Phet Density Lab. Play with the different setting for mass, volume, and density. Something to consider- how are mass, volume, and density related? Write any thoughts/ideas you may have.
(**If Adobe Flash player is not on your Chromebook, click "Attempt to view simulation anyways" when prompted. They click "Enable Adobe Flash Player")
4. Watch the Bill Nye YouTube video. Write one interesting thing you saw in the video.Week of March 3/23 Information
Hello Phoenix Families!
Mrs. Brown and I hope this note finds you well.
Looks like we will have an opportunity to really focus on our Tapestry Weaving.
As we get information we will share it with you on this site.
Stay tuned, there will be activities for you to continue your learning in science (and develop your tapestry of knowledge).
Mrs. Brown and I are thinking of you, stay healthy.
Many of you may have been informed that we, at the OPCSD, have put together learning opportunities for our students, the link for these activities can be found on the district website and we have included it below-
Mrs. Brown and I would like you to keep in mind that learning (weaving) does not have to be a race, but rather it is a journey to be enjoyed and experienced. A race has a beginning and an end, learning on the other hand continues through out our entire lives. You are worth this investment, and remember your tapestry is one of the few things in life that, as it grows with detail and size it does not get heavier, but in fact lifts you up!
As 8th graders of a multi year science curriculum, feel free to look back on 6th & 7th grade science activities that have been included on the oplearns page!
Keep Weaving!
At the beginning of each week we will be providing an outline of science activities for that week. Many of the activities can be accessed through the OPCSD Learn at Home Academy under OPMS--Science Resources-- Grade 8. The district posted this to the OPCSD website last week.Week of 3/23 activities-
On the oplearns page work on the Human Body Systems links.
For this week, March 23-27, 2020, you can focus on the Human Body Systems. This is a review of material we discussed earlier this year.1. Watch the Brain Pop and youtube videos listed below.2. Take the quizzes at the end of each if you wish. This is optional.3. Complete the Google Do. titled "Science Reflection March 23-27, 2020"When you are ready to fill in the Google Doc. follow these steps1. Open the Google Doc.2. Click File3. Next Click Make a Copy4. Do your work on that copy5. Share your completed Doc. with Mr B and Mrs. Brown (Please do not email your work to us when using google classroom, just send via the share option.)Let us know if you have any questions! Weave on!The Google classrooms codes for each class are listed below by class letter (the letter you have been putting on your assignments all year), an email has been sent out to each individual class with the class code for your specific class as well.
Class A - 5kd6zg2
Class B- ybj2eay
Class C- cyycbox
Class D- 25qgyty
Class E- tmmscfb
If you are unsure how to enter this code please see the link below.
We have added a fun site that you may want to investigate, Today in Science History, You can put in today's date (or any date) the chose ffrom the brown tabs what you would like to look at. Mrs. Brown and I recommend the "Science events on" tab, but they are all interesting. Have fun, keep driving those Learning Busses!
Here is the link- https://www.todayinsci.com/3/3_23.htm#event Remember- you have to change the date at the top of the page to today's date.
RB= UPOCO Review Book
SR= Section Review
CL = Castle Learning
Note: Lab Gizmos- You can print the assigned labs on your own. Sign in, then under Lesson Materials choose Student Exploration and print.
Note: If you will be absent for a lab you can go to MY Resources and choose the Lab Make-UP form. Complete the form and turn it in the day the lab is due.