Academic Intervention Services
Our Academic Intervention Service providers are:
Mrs. Duggan, AIS ELA
Mrs. LaPenta, Response to Intervention Specialist
Mrs. LaRosa, Reading Specialist
- Mrs. Prince, Reading Specialist
Mr. Reukauf, AIS Math
Academic Intervention Services are designed to help students achieve the learning standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.
These services include two components:
A. Additional instruction that supplements the general curriculum. Additional instruction means the provision of extra time for focused instruction and/or increased student-teacher instructional contact time designed to help students achieve the learning standards.
B. Student support services are needed to address barriers to improved academic performance. Student support services provide interventions that address barriers to student progress such as: problems with attendance, discipline, family, health, nutrition and status.
A. Those who score below the designated performance levels on Elementary, Intermediate and Commencement level NYS assessments in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science in Grades 3-8, and Regents Examinations in Grades 9-12.
B. Those at risk of not meeting NYS Standards as indicated by daily classroom performance, report card results, and teacher observations. This includes the Early Literacy Profiles in Grades K - 3 determining reading and writing readiness.
C. Limited English Proficient students who do not achieve the annual designated academic growth and performance standards as stipulated by the New York State English As A Second Language Assessment Test (NYSESLAT) and /or the Language Assessment Battery - Revised(LAB-R).