4th Grade
Our 4th grade teachers are:
- Mrs. Buck
- Mrs. Connolly
- Mrs. Danciu
- Mrs. Krezmien
- Miss Fenimore
- Mrs. Zgaljardic & Mrs. Salmon
4th Grade Curriculum Information
Language Arts
The fourth grade language arts program consists of six themes. Each theme contains five stories and includes level readers, allowing small group instruction and review. The program incorporates listening, writing, speaking, phonics, reading, grammar and spelling skills. Focus is placed upon punctuation, parts of speech, sentence variety and structure in addition to editing and paragraph formation. Students will be required to complete various tasks throughout the school years such as book reports and "cereal summaries."
To encourage independent reading, students will be asked to read a book of their choosing and to write a report on it. The students will also share their report in class. Students also participate in D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read). Spelling and vocabulary lists are given on Mondays of each school week. Various activities are completed throughout the week reinforcing spelling rules and patterns in addition to mastery of vocabulary words.
1 Place Value and Money
2 Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers and Money
3 Multiplication and Division Concepts and Facts
4 Time, Data, and Graphs
5 Multiplying by One-Digit Numbers
6 Multiplying by Two-Digit Numbers
7 Dividing
8 Geometry and Measurement
9 Fraction Concepts
10 Fraction Operations
11 Decimals and Metric Measurement
12 Graphing and Probability
After each unit there will be a test. Students are given ample notice to study for the test. Students also receive practice and review sheet to reinforce concepts from that day's lesson.
Social Studies
The fourth grade social studies curriculum is designed to help students learn about local history. The geography of New York, resources and regions, first people of New York, colonial New York, and the American Revolution are just some of the topics of discussion and learning. The students also learn about the early years of statehood and the Erie Canal in addition to New York's Government. Projects and field trips are an additional component offered to reinforce what is being learned during the school day.
Science and Health
Students in the fourth grade will learn about circuits and electricity, land and water and plant growth and development. Our science program places strong emphasis on self-discovery and hands-on approach to learning. Students experience, observe and engage in cooperative learning and activities. Quizzes are given periodically as a form of assessment with ample notice and review materials are made available for students to study.
Growing Healthy is our health program. The following topics are discussed in this program:
* Human growth and development
* Healthy lifestyles
* Nutrition Mental/emotional health
* Family life and health
* Environmental health
* Disease prevention and control
* Substance use and abuse
* Homework is given daily.
* Students are required to record all homework in their agendas daily.
* Please check the agenda nightly with your child to ensure that all homework is
Parents can greatly help by...
* Setting aside a designated time nightly for your child to complete his/her
* Providing a designated area that is comfortable with ample light for your child
to complete homework.
* Encouraging independent reading on a daily basis.