Support Programs

  • Support programs

    Instructional Support Team

    Instructional Support Team is an interdisciplinary team whose function is to support each student’s school success. The committee chaired by the principal, may include the resource room teachers, school psychologist, school social worker, reading specialist, school counselor, speech and language therapist, and school nurse. The committee works closely with the children, teachers, parents, and community resources.  The committee meets regularly throughout the year. 

    When a teacher has a concern for a student’s academic, physical, and/or social/emotional well being, he or she fills out a referral form and presents the concerns to the committee. The teacher reports the child’s current level of functioning, services currently provided, interventions being used and attempts are made to remediate the difficulties.

    Instructional Support Team may act in a consultant role and suggest strategies and modifications to be implemented in the classroom, or Instructional Support Team may suggest that the child’s progress be monitored carefully and reassessed later in the year.

    The Instructional Support Team committee may also recommend formal evaluation by one or more of its members after parental permission is obtained. Following diagnostic work, results are brought back to the committee. Recommendation for services and programming are then shared with the parents. Children with learning problems in need of specific programming are referred to the building committee on special education.

    Resource room

    This program option is available for children who require additional educational support to help ensure success in the classroom. Federal and state guidelines are in place to direct this mandated program.

    Children are identified for this service through teacher referral, Instructional Support Team referral and formal evaluation. This process might lead to a formal identification of a learning disability to the Committee on Special Education.  An individualized educational plan would be then developed to meet the needs of that student. This instruction is provided in a small group setting for a portion of the school day by the resource room teacher.

    Reading Specialist

    The reading specialist organizes and coordinates the reading and language arts program and demonstrates its interrelationship to all curricular areas. The Reading Specialist suggests methods and/or demonstrates techniques in the teaching of reading. As a diagnostician, the Reading Specialist administers and reports on the progress of specific students. The Reading Specialist is a resource to teachers, students, and parents both in and out of the classroom. Mrs. Kim Kent, our reading specialist,  is the best contact for questions in this area at


    Academic Intervention Services

    The Academic Intervention Service program is designed to assist students identified by teachers and or standardized testing. These needs may be in the areas reading readiness, reading/writing, or math.

    Students are serviced in the Academic Intervention Service room by a specially trained teacher. Classes are small so there is an opportunity for more student teacher interaction. Classes meet for 45 minutes 3x times a week.

    Communication between the Academic Intervention Services teacher and classroom teacher is frequent. Program goals are sent to parents each year and parent teacher communication is encouraged.

    Social Work Services

    Social Work services are available to students and their families at Ellicott. The Social Worker assists as an integral member of the Instructional Support Team, as necessary.

    Following an initial assessment, recommendations are made about the students social-emotional and behavioral needs which might include individual or group counseling, parent or parent/child consultation and classes, staff/parent consultation, or referral.

    Consultation services are available to parents and teachers who have concerns for students regarding behavior management, child development, social skills, self esteem, family transitions, anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns.

    When the situation warrants, referral is made to appropriate community services. The Social Worker may also be involved in crisis intervention or case management. Staff and community in-service are also available for selected topics.  Please contact Mrs. Kelly Wagner at for more information. 

    Adaptive Physical Education

    Adaptive Physical Education is a way of teaching in both mainstream and segregated environments that is reflected in the beliefs and practices of teachers who adjust individual needs and assure optimal success in physical and motor functioning.

    Adaptive Physical Education is also a comprehensive service delivery system designed to identify and ameliorate problems within the psychomotor domain. Services include individual educational plans, psychomotor assessment, developmental and/or prescriptive teaching, fitness and leisure counseling, coordinated related services and resources, and advocacy for high-quality physical education experiences for all students.

    Occupational Therapy

    Occupational Therapy in the school system helps students develop the underlying skills that are prerequisite for academic learning. The Occupational Therapist structures the environment and provides appropriate activities to facilitate maturation so that the child can function at his/her maximum potential within his/her educational setting. In order to achieve this maturation and development, the therapist works on a variety of skills during each therapy session. These skills include, but are not limited two, large and small muscle control, body awareness and motor planning skills, visual-perceptual and visual-motor development, and sensory-integrative activities.  Please contact Mrs. Justine McQuillen at

    Physical Therapy

    The types of problems noted by the parent/caretaker, teacher, nurse, other therapists or physician that might warrant screening or evaluation include: a delay and motor-reflex development; an asymmetry in use of the body; lack of movement or maintenance of a fixed posture; excessive or involuntary movement; inability or reluctance to assume, maintain, or move from a posture; clumsy child; excessive or limited joint mobility; abnormal walking pattern; postural abnormalities, untapped potential for mobility within the environment; and/or the need to purchase, adapt, or repair equipment to prevent deformity or increase function.

    A physical therapist is specifically trained to improve movement and function, prevent injury and expand movement potential. In the educational environment, the physical therapist is a member of the team who can assist the child to maximize potential. The physical therapist provides the child with a screening of full evaluation that includes the following areas: gross, fine, and sensory-motor development; reflex development; activities of daily living; posture; joint range function; muscle tone and strength; environmental mobility and breathing patterns. These in areas provide the basics for appropriate programming (functioning) in the classroom, at home, in therapy, and during transport. The physical therapist must link the evaluation outcomes with educational goals.

    The physical therapist may provide direct treatment (individual or group) to the child which may include developmental therapy, training in use of assistive devices, braces or artificial limbs, self-help skills, breathing exercises, mobility training, and or therapeutic exercise.

    The physical therapist may provide consultation or teaching regarding positioning, lifting and handling, equipment selection, environmental adaptation, programming and placement to parent, child, school personnel, other providers of therapeutic services, health care deliverers and advocacy groups.

    Any specific questions regarding physical therapy in the educational environment can be directed to Joy Michener at

    Speech and Language Therapy

    School based speech and language therapy involves strengthening a child’s communication skills as it relates to his/her academic, social, emotional learning.  The areas worked on are language (form, content, and use), articulation, voice, and fluency.

    Therapeutic intervention in a school based program is delivered in a variety of ways. These may include, but are not limited to, individual and group pullout, consultation with teaching staff, monitor, and in-class lessons. Parent support and reinforcement of the skills taught play a key role in the therapy process.   Contact Mrs. Kelly Sacilowski at with questions.