Frequently Asked Questions about UPK

  • Orchard Park Central School District Universal Pre-Kindergarten

    Who is eligible?
    For the 2025-2026 UPK school year, children who reside in the Orchard Park Central School District attendance area with birthdays between December 2, 2020 and December 1, 2021 are eligible to apply for the program.  A child who is age-eligible to attend kindergarten is NOT eligible for the UPK program. If you have elected to keep your child home for an extra year rather than enroll in school when eligible, he/she is not eligible for the UPK program.  Unfortunately, exceptions can not be made. 

    Where is the program located?
    The Orchard Park Central School District offers the UPK program at its four elementary schools.  In addition, it partners with local preschool providers, known as community-based preschool school organizations.   For the 2024-2025 school year, the UPK program is being held at the following preschool sites in Orchard Park: the four elementary schools in our district; Eggert Elementary, Ellicott Elementary, South Davis Elementary and Windom Elementary, along with local preschool providers; BrightPath, Smarty Pants Childcare, Southtowns YMCA and Wee Can PreSchool and Childcare.   UPK sites for the 2025-2026 school year will be confirmed in early March 2025.    

    How are community-based preschool partners selected?
    The Orchard Park Central School District is committed to partnering with high-quality preschool providers.  Interested preschool providers undergo an extensive application process, outlining curriculum (literacy development, character development, fine & gross motor development, etc), ability to meet the needs of students with disabilities, and opportunities for parental involvement.  A site visitation is conducted, ensuring the facility meets expectations including safety, furniture & equipment, opportunity for outdoor play and literacy resources. Throughout the school year, site visitations are conducted on an ongoing basis. 

    What are the obligations to families (cost, transportation, etc)?
    There is no cost for the program.  The program is paid for through a Universal Pre-Kindergarten grant.  Unfortunately, transportation for UPK students is not included in the scope of the grant.  Transportation is the obligation of families. If a family needs before/after school care there would be a fee involved.  Fees for this care are determined by each pre-school site.  OPCSD has no involvement in before/after school care offered at community pre-school sites - fees and availability are at the discretion of each facility.  

    How are children selected for the program?
    The district will hold a computerized random lottery in order to assign UPK placement sites to students.  Anyone who has completed registration by March 19th will be eligible for the lottery.  The lottery will be held on March 25th.  Children are randomly selected for the program.  Selection is not based on academic or economic need.  All children are equally eligible for participation.  Registering for the UPK program does not guarantee you a placement.  After the lottery is conducted results are posted on the Parent Portal.

    If a family of multiple children is drawn during the lottery, all children will be offered the same preferred UPK site (if available) or be placed on the wait list.  

    Can I choose the preschool site that my child attends?
    Families who apply for the program will be surveyed, allowing them to rank their preferences for the preschool site they wish their child to attend.  Ranking will be done starting in March.  If, for any reason, a family is not satisfied with their selected preschool site after the lottery and wishes to withdraw their child from that placement, they can be placed at the bottom of the waiting list for a different site.  Should an opening later be available at their site of choice, they will be contacted.  Please note that children cannot occupy a space in a class while on the wait list for a different site.  

    Is there before/after school care available at each UPK site? 
    OPCSD has no involvement in each facility's fee schedule or the availability of care.  Fees and availability are determined by each facility.  Wrap-around care may be available at a particular site for an additional fee based on availability. In 2024-2025, there is NO before/after school care for UPK students available at any of the Orchard Park School District elementary schools.   During this school year 2024-2025, BrightPath, Smarty Pants Childcare, Southtowns YMCA and Wee Can Pre School UPK programs offered wrap-around care at their facilities.  Registering for the UPK program does not guarantee any wrap-around care.  If your placement site offers before/after school care, you must apply and pay for this service directly through your UPK placement site.  Site selections are typically identified in early March 2025.  At that time, the sites will know whether they will have before/after school care available.   

    What is the timeline?
    Registration for the UPK program occurs until March 19, 2025.   After that time, a lottery will be conducted on March 25, 2025 to assign students to sites.  

    How do I apply?
    The following are required for registering for the UPK program.  If you complete registration after the lottery is held and there are no UPK placements available after the lottery is completed, you can be placed on the waiting list for a UPK placement should one become available in the future.    
           Complete Online Registration Form*
           Completed Home Language Questionnaire*
           Proof of residency (two recent, valid forms are necessary)
           Birth certificate for your child
           Vaccination records

    More Questions?
    Should you have any further questions, please contact: 

    UPK Program Questions Amy Woodward (716) 209-6440 or 

    Registration Questions the Central Registrar at (716) 209-6325 or