4th Grade Information
Birthdays: To celebrate your child's birthday, we post birthday wishes on the smartboard. As stated in your child's agenda (page 5): Due to allergy concerns please refrain from sending in food treats to celebrate your student's birthday. Also, please refrain from sending party invitations to school unless the entire class in invited.
Snacks: 4th grade snacks are peanut/tree nut free. Healthy snacks are expected and candy is not allowed as a snack during our daily snack time. Students should bring in their own safe snack (peanut/tree nut free). Hand washing time is allowed and encouraged before and after snack and lunch.Homework: Please encourage your child to read for at least 30 minutes everyday or for as long as they watch TV/play video games. A math fact log sheet will be checked weekly. All homework is written on the SmartBoard and all students are expected to write what the teacher writes. Homework is expected to be complete, of good quality, and handed in on time. Your child should spend no more than 40 minutes per night on homework assignments.Agendas: are used to help with student organization. Agendas are to be in school every day and brought home each night. All students are expected to write what is written by the teacher on the SmartBoard. If you notice your child's agenda is incomplete or not being filled out, please let your child's teacher know immediately so that this issue can be addressed.Grades: Grades are based on class work, including quizzes and tests, as well as, participation, attitude, homework, project work, and quality and timeliness of assignments.Grade Level Website: This site is a tool for all of us. By clicking on the icons on the left margin, you will find useful information such as our daily schedule, important websites, and what is going on at South Davis. Please keep in mind the information on this site may change at any time!