4th Grade Curriculum

  •   ELA
    In fourth grade, the Language Art program is one in which reading, writing, listening, and speaking are integrated throughout the curriculum.. We will be following the Readers' Workshop curriculum throughout the school year. Readers' Workshop allows students to learn skills and strategies in reading book they've picked for themselves. Reading independently is a very imprtant part of the workshop. The long-term goal of Readers Workshop is to build lifelong readers.
    The math curriculum will focus on operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations in base 10, and number and operations-fractions. Special emphasis will be given to critical thinking, problem solving, applications of mathematics in everyday life, and mastery of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Our main resource to address the Common Core State Standards will be the modules offered by the state and can be found at http://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-4-mathematics
      Social Studies
    The fourth grade Social Studies curriculum is designed to help students learn about local history. The ELA modules provided by the state are built on S.S. concepts so ELA and S.S. are intertwined. The class will learn about the major periods in New York's history. They will also learn about the role New York played in the history of the United States. Students will be studying the people who have made significant contributions to New York's social, political, economic, and cultural life. In class projects, written assignment, assemblies, and a possible field trip are important components of this interesting subject.
    In Science, we will focus on abstract reasoning, using dialogue, looking at things from multiple perspectives. Students will also learn to think and solve problems for which there is no one solution. Our science kits are:
    Motion, Animals Senses, The Changing Earth, and Providing Energy to Homes
    Our classroom computers will allow students supervised access to the Internet. This will enable them to familiarize themselves with online resources to assist them in research. We will also be logging onto Study Island to help prepare us for the State tests this year in ELA, Math, and Science. In the computer lab, much software is available to help reinforce basic skills. Students will continue to practice keyboarding skills.