Class Cash Economy

  • Our Classroom Economy!
    See your child's agenda for his/her most recent balance sheet

    Earn Money By:
    * once a week all students will receive $5 Class Cash (Payday!) This will be recorded on your balance sheet each week.

    * Every Monday or Tuesday you will receive a 6 page packet of math (3 sheets of paper) called the Weekly Math Mission. Page 1 is required work. Then do as many other pages as you can and return by Friday to earn up to $5 more for the week, so you can get paid anywhere between $5 (just regular pay) to $10 (regular pay + all Math Mission sheets) each week.

    * in addition to the above you can complete optional book reports and enrichment projects - see $ amounts on enrichment and optional book report pages 

    * other opportunities will be offered throughout the year in class (example: $.25 - $.75 for a random act of kindness or consistantly following directions the first time!)

    You Will Be Fined $1.00 (or more) at Any Time For: 
    * disrespectful or rude behavior (not following rules)
    * inappropriate or impolite language
    * interrupting teacher
    * not handing in mandatory assigned work ($1 for each assignment)
    * no name on papers turned in ($1 during the 1st marking period, $2 after winter break, $3 after spring break)
    * not cleaning up after yourself 
    * messy locker

    You Will Pay Monthly Rent For:
    * your desk/table area = $5.00
    * your chair/stool = $3.00
    * storage fee = $2.00
    * maintenance fee = $2.00
    * TOTAL = $12.00 debit recorded on balance sheet each month

    What else do you need money for:
    * to pay your monthly rent! $12 (see above)

    * to purchase pretzel rods for snack, $1 each
    supply store
    * to buy school supplies in class such as glue sticks, tape, pencils, notebooks, folders, dry erase markers, post-it notes, etc. (prices vary)
    * a Christmas/Winter and an end of year class auction (teacher provides items and each student is encouraged, but not required, to bring in one item he/she would choose to sell at a garage sale to donate to the auction)

    Questions you may want answered:

     How will you know if my desk and work area are clean every day? Will you be checking daily?
    No, I will not check daily, but once a week I will do a "surprise desk and work area checks". I am going to use the Honor System, and trust that you're keeping your work areas and desks clean daily, especially since every morning you have time for cleaning and organizing. When I happen to do the "surprise check" and you're not prepared you will be fined $2 or more.

    Can we give away the money we earn to help others earn something they want? Or can some of my friends and I put our money together to buy something at the end of the year?
    Although that's a very nice thought, you may only spend the money that you
     earn. The point of the Classroom Economy is to learn the value of earning and saving money yourself, as us adults do in the real world. Unfortunately, there is no combining or giving away money in our Classroom Economy.

    When can we buy things? 
    You may purchase pretzel rods, and various school supplies during designated times during the day (first thing in the morning, snack time after recess and packing up at dismissal time) . School supply prices will be posted in the classroom.

    Morning work time is also a great time to trade those 1s in for 5s, 5s for 10s, 10s in for 20s, and 20s in for 100s, etc...

    Will you ever take money away from us? 
    Yes, there are fines to pay. See agreed upon list above.

    What if we lose our money? Will you give it back to us? 
    Sorry, the answer is no. If adults lose money, the bank doesn't give it back to them! We earn it, and must be responsible with it. If you put it into your wallet as soon as you get it, you won't have to worry about losing it! But if you're not organized and responsible with your money and you happen to lose it, you'll learn a valuable lesson.  It is also wise to deposit your money in your bank account. It is safer in the bank than in anywhere else! Everyone will be required to deposit some on his/her money beginning in January.