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Hello, and welcome to Mrs. Karalus' webpage.
I am a certified History teacher in the Orchard Park School District. I also am the advisor for walking club.
AP WORLD: This is a very challenging class for accelerated students. The course is designed to prepare students for their future college endeavors. This is a two year class in which students take the AP Exam at the end of their sophomore year. There is a rigorous reading and writing requirement that better prepares students for Advanced Placement courses. The class is weighted at 1.05 to the students overall average. The students will take a local final exam and the regents exam at the end of their tenth grade year. The course covers Africa, the Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Middle East.
Corporate Economics: This course is a graduation requirement for all graduating seniors. It is designed to get students ready for introductory Economic courses at university. The course covers Micro as well as Macro Economics. The students form a corporation and engage in selling stock to the class. The corporation is called O.P. Enterprises I. The students will also be working on teams throughout the semester competing in various business ventures.
Sociology: This is an social studies elective course which is highly interactive. Students are encouraged to explore social issues and problems in our society.