South Davis Virtual Backpack
Welcome to the South Davis Elementary School Virtual Backpack! Here, you will find informational flyers from the school, the PTO, and community organizations that were distributed previously in paper form. They are posted as printable PDFs to afford easy access for parents and will remain posted throughout the school year.
Please note: On occasion, a school may opt to send home a paper copy about an event; however, community organizations may only submit flyers in PDF form for posting to our Virtual Backpack.
Posting of informational flyers from outside community groups is done in accordance with Board policy and is not to be interpreted as District sponsorship of an event or endorsement of any organization. The information is posted by the District as a community service. The approval process for the distribution of flyers has not changed.
If your non-profit group has a request to have a flyer approved for posting to the Virtual Backpack, please email the flyer to jbecker@opschools.org for consideration of approval by the Superintendent or designee. Please have your flyer approved at least 10 business days prior to your event.
February Backpack
March Backpack
April Backpack
May Backpack
June - August Backpack
Back-to-School / September Backpack
Spanish for the Elementary Years
Spanish for the Elementary Years Flyer Fall 2024.pdf 162.95 KB (Last Modified on September 20, 2024)
October Backpack
Spanish for the Elementary Years
Spanish for the Elementary Years Flyer Fall 2024.pdf 162.95 KB (Last Modified on September 20, 2024)