Degrees and Certifications:
Physical Education
Welcome to Ellicott Elementary Physical Education!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome / Welcome back to Ellicott Elementary Physical Education! We are so excited to be back at school and are really looking forward to getting to know and work with you and your children this year. We wanted to take this opportunity to connect and open the line of communication from the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Please carefully read and review the following list of rules and expectations.
General Rules:
Sneakers are required to participate in physical education class.
Your child’s preparation is very important for their safety and ability to participate fully in our class and we strongly advise that they consistently learn to remember their sneakers on PE days.
Please note that sandals, boots, and Crocs in “sport mode” are not appropriate footwear for P.E.
It is recommended that students wear comfortable and appropriate clothing on physical education days (ex: if a dress is worn, it is recommended that shorts or pants are worn underneath the outfit).
No jewelry is to be worn during physical education class.
All watches, rings, bracelets and necklaces are to be left in the classroom. Post earrings are allowed however; those that dangle below the ear are not permissible due to the chance they can get caught during participation and injure a child.
If your child needs to be excused from physical education class, please write a note to our school nurse who will then communicate the message with our P.E. staff. If your child is to be excused from participation for more than one class, a doctor’s note is required. The doctor’s note must state the reason, length of time the student will be excused from activity and the date that they can resume activities.
Your child’s effort, participation, preparedness, respect and cooperation with peers and teachers will be consistently evaluated throughout the school year.
Finally, we are excited to welcome a new member to our P.E. team this year. Miss Megan Weber will be joining us! We are so excited for another wonderful year at Ellicott and for the opportunity to help and watch your students grow!
Miss Megan Weber Mr. Scott Benning Mr. Jeff Farrell
(716) 209-6278 X 5507 (716) 209-6278 X 5506 (716) 209-6278 X 5302