Dear Parents and Guardians of a 5th grader:
Welcome to Orchard Park Middle School! We look forward to your child joining us at OPMS. On Monday, April 24, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., we will be hosting our Incoming 6th Grade Parent Orientation in the Middle Schol Auditorium. Please plan on attending to learn more about our building and the 6th-grade program.
Aaron Grupka, Principal (agrupka@opschools.org)
Brandon Pafk, Assistant Principal (bpafk@opschools.org)
Bernadette Krumpek, Assistant Principal (bkrumpek@opschools.org)
Kali Supples, 6th-grade Counselor (ksupples@opschools.org)
Maryanne Baumgartner, 6th-grade Social Worker (mbaumgartner@opschools.org)