Student Shadow Requests
- If your student is not currently enrolled in the Orchard Park School District and would like to shadow a current OPHS student of the same grade for a day, please contact Charity Burlingame, School Counselor, at (716) 209-6271 or cburlingame@opschools.org.
- Student Shadowing is available October through May by appointment only. Requests must be made minimally two weeks in advance.
- The requesting family must live in or be moving to the Orchard Park Central School District. Documentation may be required.
- On the day of the Shadow, the visiting student is dropped off and picked up at the OPHS main entrance at 4040 Baker Road.
- Drop off is at 7:20am and pick up is at 1:45pm unless otherwise arranged.
- Visiting students should bring their own lunch or money to purchase lunch at OPHS.
- Please note there is a New Student Orientation offered prior to the beginning of the school year. Time is allowed for new students to walk around the building with their new schedule.