Shared Decision Making (SDM)
Since 1993, the Orchard Park School District has had a policy for teachers, school-related personnel, and parents to participate in school-based planning and shared decision-making. The SDM Committee includes the principal, teachers, a teacher aide, a community business member, and parents. The committee meets approximately once a quarter to set goals and design activities that will help with the continual improvement and strengthening of the overall well-being of the South Davis community, in alignment with the overall mission of the Orchard Park Central School District.
What topics can be discussed at SDM?
Topics that are educational in nature, academics, programming, procedures and operations of the school, and overall well-being and climate of students, staff and school are appropriate for SDM. Some items that are not appropriate topics include confidential matters of personnel or students and items that are out of the control of the school.
Anyone can bring forth an item for discussion by the SDM team. If you have a concern or item that you would like to bring forward, our input form is available for you to complete electronically here. It is also attached to be printed below. Your concerns are welcome! Parent members report and ask for input from the PTO, and staff members report and ask for input from all staff.
Research supports the partnership between home and school. Not only is it good practice, but it is the right thing for our students. We all want to work to make South Davis Elementary the best school it can be for our students. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you for your support.Current Members for 2021-22
Mrs. Rudnicki
Mrs. Flascher
Mrs. Tundo
Mrs. Koszuta
Mrs. D'Ostroph
Mrs. Haven
Mr. Dolce
Meeting Dates for 2021-22 (All Wednesdays)
11/18/21 12/15/2021 1/12/2022 2/9/2022 3/9/2022 4/27/2022 5/25/2021