

Degrees and Certifications:

Welcome to Windom Elementary

About Windom Elementary

Windom Elementary School is a K - 5 school located in the Southtowns of Western New York. Windom is one of four elementary schools in the Orchard Park Central School District. It is located at 3870 Sheldon Rd., very close to the Buffalo Bills Football Stadium and the McKinley Mall. Windom is one of the largest elementary buildings, helping over 550 students yearly with the knowledge and understanding to succeed in academics. It is a wonderful school where teachers will give the students the vision to reach for the stars, the skills and fortitude to climb the ladder, and the wisdom to appreciate the beauty of the journey.

For directions, click on the link below:


    Welcome to Windom Elementary!

    Windom Elementary | 716.209.6279

    Phil Johnson
    Principal | DASA Coordinator: Mr. Philip Johnson
    716.209.6282 |

    Theresa Glowacki

    Assistant Principal: Mrs. Theresa Glowacki
    716.209.6283 |

    Main Office Secretary: Leslie Garcia 
    716.209.6441 |

    Attendance Secretary: Michele Wolniewicz
    716.209.6312 |

    School Nurse:  Sarah Johnson 
    716.209.6322 |

    YMCA Before | After Care Program: 716.674.9622  YMCA Health Forms | Pricing Information

    Fax | 716.209.6490

    Student attendance hours: 9 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.  Drop off time: 9 a.m. Pick up time: 3:10 p.m.

    Half-day dismissal time: 11:15 a.m.

    Follow us on Twitter @WindomElem  Follow us on Instagram @windomelem 

    "Quality Education by Caring People"