Windom PTO

  • Welcome to Windom PTO’s Webpage

    Welcome to the Windom Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). We are a group of parents, teachers, and staff committed to enriching the educational experience at Windom Elementary. We sincerely hope that your participation will be both fun & rewarding.

    Quick Links


    Join the Windom PTO Facebook Group. If you are a Facebook member, search for "Windom PTO" or go to: You can also follow us on Twitter: @WindomElem

    This year, our PTO subscribes to Membership Toolkit for our family and faculty directories, online store, volunteer signups and email communications. It's secure, easy to use, and free to families. Please visit and click the Register/Login button in the center of the page. As a New User, click the “Create Account” button and follow the instructions. You will be asked to verify your email. Follow the prompts to setup your account. If you were in the MySchoolAnywhere directory last year, you will find your name and child’s name (active students only) listed in Membership Toolkit. Please update/verify your family information once you’ve created your account. You can specify what information you'd like to appear in the directory - or choose not to appear at all.    


    Please consider signing up to volunteer at PTO events. Click here to login to your My School Anywhere account and signup for various events throughout the year. Please make sure you have joined the PTO before signing up to volunteer. The PTO will keep you informed about upcoming events where volunteers are needed. 

    To become an approved volunteer to help out at in-school events, please click here to complete the short online training.

    Please contact us with any questions!

    PTO Board 2024-25

    PTO Board and Contact Information



    PTO meetings will take place at 7 p.m. in the LMC

    Thursday, October 3

    Thursday, November 7

    Thursday, January 9

    Thursday, February 13

    Thursday, March 6

    Thursday, April 3

    Wednesday, May 7

    Thursday, June 5