Related Links
This site makes review easy. By following the steps below, a student can access a whole host of Regents review questions. Directions to log-in to Castle Learning: 1. Access the homepage 2. Log-in name: opk-1st letters of the student's first name, 1st 6 letters of the last name (opk-kelgialle -- example) 3. Student created password (if a password has been forgotten, see me and I can reset it) -
This is a link to the OPHS Media Center's homepage. Here, one can access online databases, connect to Castle Learning or any teacher's project link. One of the more useful links on this homepage, are the MLA guidelines. -
Gale Virutal Reference Library
This site is useful for American History, specifically with definitions and basic information. Password and Login are available on the OPHS' Remote Access Password Page. -
Proquest (Cultural Grams, eLibrary Science, History Study Center)
Great online database for Global 9. Available off of the Media Center's Homepage. Login and password available on OPHS' Remote Password Access Page.