UPK Registration
The Orchard Park Central School District (OPCSD) announces the availability to register for the Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) program during the 2025-2026 school year. To participate, children must reside in the OPCSD’s attendance area and be four years old by December 1, 2025. Children’s birthdates must be between 12-02-20 and 12-01-21. Registration is available online at www.opschools.org/upk and is due by March 19, 2025.
The OPCSD is once again able to offer UPK through a grant provided by the New York State Education Department. This grant covers the cost of the program but does not cover transportation. It is the responsibility of each family to transport their child to the UPK site.
There are only a designated number of UPK spots available. A lottery will be held to place children into preferred site placements. All registered children are equally eligible to participate, there is no preference based on academic or economic need.
All students with complete registration before the March 19, 2025 deadline will have an equal chance for placement in the lottery. More information about the registration process and UPK program is available online. Interested parents/guardians may also contact Amy Woodward at 716-209-6440 or awoodward@opschools.org with program questions. Registration questions may be directed to the Central Registrar at
716-209-6325 or registrar@opschools.org.